Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jiang Jiang

This is an incredibly detailed look at the PLA, and how the PLA fits into “Xi Jinping’s thinking.” It’s obviously a critical topic, but it’s also very difficult for a non-naive speaker to translate for themselves, even if their Chinese level is quite good. The cultural understanding that is naturally included is also impossible for most of us to weave in.

Thank you for this important work.

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打造高水平战略威慑和联合作战体系。战略威慑体系是大国博弈的“压舱石”,要坚持非对称制衡,坚持有所为有所不为,坚持敌人怕什么就重点发展什么,壮大战略力量,加重战略砝码,提高有效慑敌制敌的军事实力。(build high quality strategic deterrence and joint combat system. Strategic deterrence forms the basis of competitions between large powers. Must maintain asymmetrical balance, must develop forces that are feared by the enemies, strengthen strategic forces, improve strategic balance, increase military strengths that can deter the enemies)

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