Hi Jiang Jiang, I'm in SF, would be happy to introduce you to great Mexican food and some 4th generation Chinese diaspora folks here who helped build Chinatown!

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Hi Maloy, thank you! I'm still planning and will let you know if I can fix a time to meet!

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Feb 2Liked by Jiang Jiang

Sounds great, let me know if you can and I'll send you an email. Have a safe flight!

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"In his youth, Xi read 'One-Dimensional Man' by Herbert Marcuse." The book was published in English in 1968. There was apparently a Taiwan Chinese translation in 1987. (www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs.htm)

Marcuse's book is a difficult text in English. Are we really to believe that as a youth Xi read it? In what language? Or did the writers of this piece simply find the word "one-dimensional" convenient for a bit of Xi hagiography on the topic at hand?

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Hi Charles, thank you for the question. Xi has mentioned the book during his time in Ningde in the 1990s. His reading material, including during the Cultural Revolution in a cave dwelling, often comprised works not widely circulated within China. I understand you thought It's unlikely that he read the original English version. His approach to reading such texts might not have been cover to cover, but rather a more general familiarity with the content. Xi has referenced Marcuse's "One-Dimensional Man" in his own book, "Get rid out of poverty," (published in 1992) indicating a nuanced understanding of the work. It's also possible that Xi's exposure to and citation of Marcuse's ideas were likely through secondary sources or translations available to him.

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Oh. No. You do not want to go to Texas. They are violently racist lately.

Santa Fe, New Mexico is the oldest state capitol in America. With world class dining, Opera, and Art.

Come here instead. ✌🏽

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Oh, you make me find it hard to make a decision between Texas and New Mexico! Hahaha, thank you for your suggestion! I have always wanted to be in New Mexico, especially after I watched Breaking Bad! lol! I know New Mexico is way more that just about that! Will figure it out! Thank you!!!

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Hahhaha. Even I could not watch Breaking Bad! 😵‍💫Yikes.

To sweeten the pot, if you come to Santa Fe, allow me to treat you to a nice luncheon.

Plus, you should definitely see Taos Pueblo. Inhabited nonstop for over 2,000 years. (Before the big European invasion.)

Okay. I’ll stop.

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Oh, DeeDee - looks like you "accidentally" deleted your personally attacking comment to me... Let me fix that for you: (By the way - I spent YEARS in Santa Fe. Note my sources - maybe they are also "shmos", whatever that is.)

Here's your comment:

DeeDee D replied to your comment on An article on Xi Jinping's fondness for culture.

"You must be from Texas. Good Lord. You clearly have zero idea what it’s actually like here. You poor shmo."

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Don’t worry about it. I deleted it because I didnt want to hurt your feelings. 🤷🏻

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Oh, you don't have the ability to do that, so no worries.

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Visit wherever seems interesting to you, but be careful if you go to NewMexico - Breaking Bad didn't even come close. The drugs, crime and anti-asian hate are out of control (and that's not a new situation.)



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